Blog: American Summer Vacations 2022

13 de junio 2022 | Buscar más artículos -->

What happens after you submit your survey responses? Where do your answers go? How is your opinion used? We want to answer these questions by sharing past examples of how your responses and opinions have made an impact.

Our recent poll finds that two-thirds (62%) of Americans plan to take a vacation this summer. Of that group, the vast majority (84%) will do so in the United States as opposed to being out of the country (16%).

Picture of a sunrise in the beach.

And, despite record-high prices at the gas pumps, a majority (65%) of America’s vacationers will be driving to and from their destination. Out of eight possible vacation experiences to choose from, those at the top of the list are taking a road trip (20%), followed by one that’s strictly for kids and family (17%), one that’s about being immersed in culture (14%), and another that’s all about outdoor living (14%).

Those who are the youngest (18-34, 76%) and middle-aged (35-54, 63%) Americans are more committed to planning a summer vacation than their older counterparts (55+, 52%). Those who are the top earners ($100,000+, 81%) are more likely than others with either a middle ($50,000-$99,000, 68%) or lower (less than $50,000, 39%) income to be planning for a summer break.

Have you planned a trip for summer?

See full poll results here.



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