Earning points for completing surveys is one of the greatest perks of being part of the Maru Tú Cuentas community. We often get asked how you can earn more points, so you can enjoy your rewards faster – we hear you! It can be hard to wait it out, but there are a few things you can do to get your points balance to grow more quickly, such as:
Every survey we send out has a maximum number of responses needed, so if that maximum is reached while you’re completing the survey, you will be screened out because we are not able to accept any more answers. This can be frustrating, but you can reduce the chances of screening out by responding to survey invites shortly after you receive them. The quicker you respond, the more likely your response will be counted and you’ll earn the points reward. Remember to check your email inbox for invites regularly!
Mosaics are weekly short surveys that include questions on more specific topics to learn more about your behaviors, habits, and views. The more information we know about you, the more relevant surveys we can send you, meaning more opportunities to earn points. For example, if you answer a Mosaic survey and let us know you’re a dog lover, we can then send you a survey that is specific to dog lovers. If you hadn’t shared this info on a Mosaic, you could’ve missed out on the dog survey and associated points.
Surveys from our Network Partners are an opportunity for you to earn more points. While you wait for more surveys from us, you can try taking our Partner Surveys. Log in to the member website and navigate to the "Surveys” tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “Find More Surveys” button. Partner Surveys reward 25 points upon completion and are always available to you. You’ll be taken to an external website to complete any available surveys and once complete, you’ll be redirected back to the Maru Tú Cuentas website and points will be credited to your account. Keep in mind it may take a minute to find a survey that’s relevant to you! As always, your responses are confidential.
We hope this advice gets you excited about earning more points. We appreciate all the hard work you put into completing our surveys and you deserve to be rewarded. Thanks again!
¿Todavía no es miembro? ¡Únase ahora y comience a ser recompensado por su opinión!
Maru Tú cuentas es uno de los principales paneles de investigación de mercado en línea del país. Nosotros le enviamos encuestas, usted las completa, le damos recompensas, y usted hace una diferencia. Por cada encuesta que complete, obtendrá entradas en programas de sorteos mensuales y puntos que pueden ser canjeados por tarjetas de regalos de una variedad de minoristas populares en línea. Luego compartimos sus respuestas con organizaciones que van desde marcas domésticas, organismos gubernamentales, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y los medios de comunicación que desean comprender mejor las opiniones de la sociedad. Haga que su voz se escuche uniéndose a la comunidad de Maru Tú Cuentas hoy.
¿Todavía no es miembro? Visite www.tucuentas.com/ para unirse a nuestra comunidad y compartir su punto de vista sobre distintos temas como este. Registrarse es rápido y fácil, ¡estamos ansiosos por saber de usted!