Blog: Your Opinion in Action: Remote Workers and Productivity

14 de octubre del 2021 | Buscar más artículos -->

What happens after you submit your survey responses? Where do your answers go? How is your opinion used? We want to answer these questions by sharing past examples of how your responses and opinions have influenced clients to make better business decisions.

One of our clients wanted to know how remote work has affected the productivity of workers in America during the COVID-19 pandemic, so we asked you!

The data found that just over half (56%) of Americans were either working part-time or full-time – half of those (51%) working outside of the home all of the time, one third (34%) working from home all of the time, and the remaining group (14%) working partly from home/partly outside of the home.

When asked to choose which they would prefer to do, those who were working from home all of the time (34%) remained steadfast in their choice to continue doing so (34%), with those working outside of the home all the time (51%) dropping their choice sixteen percentage points (to 35%), and those working partly from home or partly outside of the home (14%) rising by the difference (sixteen percentage points to a total of 30%) most likely due to the COVID-19 virus that was escalating throughout America at the time this research was conducted.

When it came to self-assessed productivity in a remote work environment, the results were split. Of those who were working partly or all of the time from home, four in ten (40%) indicated they were more productive, while most (44%) found themselves equally productive inside and outside the home. One in six (16%) viewed themselves as more productive working outside the home.

Thanks to your responses, our client was able to gain valuable insight into remote workers’ productivity during the pandemic.

For detailed results and information on methodology, please see here.


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